• MAIN MUSCLES: Hamstring
  • EXERCISE TYPE: Isolating-(Single-Joint)   
  • EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Beginner Mid-level

The lying leg curl exercise has many positive properties and benefits. The main point is that the exercise is 100% isolated, aimed at developing a specific muscle group, which in this case refers to the back surface of the legs.

In addition, the exercise can be effectively used to work on the relief of the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. To do this, you should reduce the weight of the weights on the simulator and increase the number of repetitions in approaches.

Many athletes, especially men, do not pay enough attention to lying leg curls, but the exercise is really very effective. Developed hamstrings and glutes give harmony and correct relationship between the front and back of the leg. This is important both from an aesthetic point of view and from the position of a significant reduction in the risk of injury, which often occurs due to the lag of some muscles from others.


  1. Adjust the roll arm to match your leg length and lie face down on the bench. Your feet are positioned under the roller with a pad on the back of your legs, just a few centimetres under your shins.
    Tip: It is preferable to use a leg curl machine that is angled as opposed to a flat one since the angular position is more anatomically favourable for flexion.
  2. Keep your torso flat on the bench, make sure your legs are fully extended and grasp the side handles of the machine. Position your feet straight. This is your starting position.
  3. As you inhale, bring your legs up as far as possible without lifting your hips from the bench. After you have fully bent your legs, in this position, hold the peak contraction of the thigh muscles for 1 to 2 seconds.As you exhale, slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat these steps for the recommended number of repetitions.

Caution: Never use excessive weight in the prone leg curl exercise when you start to use the jiggle and jerk, as this can create a risk of injury to both the lower back and hamstring.