• MAIN MUSCLES: Biceps
  • EXERCISE TYPE: Isolating-(Single-Joint)
  • EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Beginner  Mid-level


  1. Take the shells. They need to be held in straight hands. The back should remain straight. Keep your elbows as close to your ribs as possible.
  2. Bend your arms. Hammers allow you to use both hands at the same time. So, you need to bend your elbows and direct the shells up at the same time, although if this approach is difficult, alternate lifting of dumbbells with different hands is allowed. If lifts with different arms are performed in different approaches, then the number of repetitions of the exercise can be slightly reduced.
  3. Watch the amplitude. The bend of the arms must be controlled so that an approximately right angle is created between the biceps and the forearm at the extreme point of the bend. When lifting, you need to exhale. It is allowed to conduct the lesson not only in the vertical plane. You can slightly turn the shells inward, then the muscles of the forearm will be involved. If the arms are turned outward, and the elbows are strongly pressed to the body, then the maximum load will fall on the biceps.
  4. Freeze. At the last point of movement, it is recommended to freeze for a while and strain the muscles as much as possible. This approach increases the load, the exercises become harder, so you get tired more, and perhaps do a few fewer reps.
  5. Lower the shells. Hands go down on inhalation, and this should be done more slowly than upward movements. Muscles cannot be relaxed when lowering the dumbbells; you should feel their tension and stretching. It is also not recommended to fully straighten your elbows and linger at the lowest point. Experts advise not to relax, but almost immediately, without a pause, start repeating the exercise.